Vehicle Accident Lawyer

A car accident can leave you with painful injuries and heavy anxiety about the economic consequences you are suddenly facing. Medical bills start streaming in and stacking up, demanding to be paid, with no consideration for the fact that you have missed days at work while you recover from your injuries.

If another party’s negligence caused your car accident and injuries, you should not be stuck with these bills. The Chicago car accident lawyers at Adesina Law Firm can fight the insurance company for your right to recover damages and, if necessary, file a lawsuit against the negligent party. We will champion your right to receive compensation in a civil court.

Types of Car Accident Cases We Represent

Car accidents happen as a result of any combination of multiple behaviors and conditions. We handle every type of car accident case, regardless of the cause, including those resulting from:

  • Drunk driving
  • Distracted driving
  • Defective car parts
  • Failure to yield right of way
  • Road construction
  • Poor road conditions
  • Inadequate lighting
  • Tailgating
  • Incorrect turns
  • Driving too fast
  • Not obeying traffic laws
  • Debris on the road
  • Aggressive driving

A Chicago car accident lawyer and the rest of our legal team are ready to make sure that justice is served, and you receive the compensation you deserve.

Investigating Your Chicago Car Accident

The car accident lawyers at Adesina Law Firm, PC will build your claim on a sturdy foundation of compelling evidence. We will collect this evidence as a product of our private investigation of your accident. Some of the steps we will take in this investigative effort include:

  • Visiting the scene of the accident
  • Gathering and documenting photos and videos
  • Talking to witnesses and recording their testimonies
  • Obtaining a copy of the police accident report
  • Requesting and reviewing all your medical records related to the accident
  • Acquiring wage and benefit statements from your employer
  • Seeking written opinions from various experts about the economic impact of your injuries

The evidence we assemble will serve to convince the insurer, judge, or jury of the validity of your claim.

Identifying the Liable Party for Your Damages From a Chicago Car Accident

As the next step in crafting your case, our legal team will need to establish, in legal terms, that the party we have identified as being at fault for your accident was also negligent. To prove negligence in a court of law, your Chicago car accident lawyer will set out to fulfill the legal criteria often referred to as the duty of care.

Duty of care is typically defined by these four elements:

  • The defendant had a responsibility to behave in such a way to prevent you from being injured.
  • The defendant failed to fulfill their responsibility to you.
  • The defendant’s violation of their responsibility caused the accident that resulted in your injury.
  • You suffered physical and/or emotional injury that led to your economic damages that should be recovered.

Again, we will tap into the evidence we gather in our investigation of your accident to support each of our duty of care arguments.

Identifying and Calculating the Damages We Will Seek to Recover

Some people who try to settle their claims directly with insurance companies tend to underestimate the value of their claims. They scratch only the surface of the broad range of losses they can recover and end up leaving a lot of money on the table.

On the other hand, Adesina Law Firm, PC will dig deep to uncover all the ways in which your accident and injuries have and will impact you, both with economic losses and in intangible ways.

Although every case is different, some of the damages we may seek to recover in your car accident case include:

  • Costs of surgery (past, present, and future)
  • Cost of medical treatment and care (past, present, future, and ongoing)
  • Emergency transportation
  • Physical rehabilitation
  • Hospitalization
  • Prescription medicines, including pain management
  • Lost income and benefits (past, present, and future)
  • Diminished future potential earnings
  • Pain and suffering
  • Diminished quality of life
  • Mental anguish
  • Loss of consortium
  • Assistive mobility devices
  • Replacement services (childcare, lawn care, housekeeping, cooking, etc.)

This information will come from the evidence we gather in our investigation, as well as from expert opinions we obtain from respected members of the fields of economics, medicine, vocational therapy, and life-care planning services. We will leave no stone unturned when it comes to itemizing the ways in which you have suffered because of the defendant’s negligence.